October 2015 Mid Back Pain and Chiropractic Care

The thoracic spine, the part of the spine that starts just below the neck to half-way down the back, is often a neglected part of the body, which is surprising considering that it is as prone to stiffness as other parts of the spine, but not so surprising since it is...

Tips to avoid Injuries

Injuries often occur when people suddenly increase the duration, intensity, or frequency of their activities. Many soft-tissue injuries can be prevented through proper conditioning, training, and equipment. Other prevention tips include: Use proper equipment. Replace...

September 2015 Soft Tissue Injury

A soft tissue injury is the result of a sprain, strain or bruise to a muscle tendon or ligament. These injuries often occur during sports and exercise activities, but sometimes simple everyday activities can cause an injury. Whiplash is a common soft-tissue injury...

Workplace Health

As a large proportion of life is spent at work, the tips below are to help you move well, stay well and assist in preventing back pain in the workplace. Lifting Prior to any lift, ask yourself if there is an easier way to do this. Could I use a crane, forklift,...

The Importance of Keeping Children Physically Active

  Daily physical activity is vital for all Australian children and young people. The Australian physical activity guidelines provide clear recommendations for the minimum amount of physical activity required by children and young people to experience health benefits....