Workstation Set-Up

Your workstation should be set up to cause the least amount of stress on your body. Prolonged hours of poor posture or repetitive work habits, often in a stressful environment can result in significant overuse injury. Applying the following points can help to minimise such injuries.

Important points to note :


  • Sit in front of your workstation such that your monitor is directly front on.
  • Your arms should be at right angles from your shoulders when you type.
  • Your wrists should be in line with your forearms, both horizontally and vertically.
  • Your keyboard should be flat.
  • The top of your monitor should be level with your eyes.
  • Do not sit too close to your monitor – at least an arms length away.
  • Ensure your seat is properly adjusted.
  • If your feet don’t reach the ground, use a foot rest.
  • Do not reach too far for your mouse, keep it close to your keyboard and support your arm on the desk when using your mouse.
  • Use a document holder attached to the side of the monitor.
  • Take regular breaks every hour, stretch your legs and perform simple mobility exercises to limber.

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